Friday, October 19, 2012

Dick and I Ching

So I've been extremely slack and decided to get cracking on this again. I looked into the article by P.K. Dick "Schizophrenia & The Book of Changes", 1965, and found a liking for this Phil guy and his style of writing which is surprising since I've been overly reluctant to try out this SF stuff. As partially schizophrenic himself, Dick has a lot to say about the connections and relevance the I Ching has for schizophrenics, either completely of partial ones. As a schizophrenic, he comments how their life has no relief, their 'universe is much too hard' and instead of watching events play out throughout along period known as their life, it all bowls in like a tsunami - all at once, everything and anything unfortunate happens to them, is going to happen to them whether they want it to or not, one after another.He refers to Wolfgang Pauli's principle of 'synchronicity' - two or more events casually unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, or know as a more simple term as'coincidence'. Dick further goes on to explain the life of a schizophrenic using the term 'sine qua non' - "the state of not knowing what is going to happen next" that is the schizophrenic's miserable kind of life, with everything taking place in the 'now'! He suggests the reader to take 150mg of LSD to feel for only a small period of time the "catatonic schizophrenic state". Dick introduces the I Ching, composed in 1100BC by prisoner and former "throne" holder King Wen, yet reveals how although the book seems as if it predicts future events and is more like a fortune telling service it rather "forecasts coming events". As the reason of Wen's creation, using the I Ching, "the total configuration of the koinos kosmos (shared world) can be scrutinised". Although Dick defends how the book should not rule lives, it should not be used for every aspect in ones day because other wise we all would be deemed 'schizophrenic' and focusing far too much on the future. He says something brilliant and beneficial to every schizophrenic, partial or complete, as well as any of us 'normal' people, that "once the future is gone, the possibility of free effective action of any kind is abolished". In other words, worrying or 'knowing too much about what 'could happen' will only prevent 'anything' happening, and the world would be an extremely boring place. Ok, so knowing that you could get hit by a car tomorrow morning whilst crossing the road could be handy, possibly save your life or a long stint in hospital, we would never be surprised and it works both ways. A lot of people don't like surprises but shit you will never live if you think you will die every day. Dick says for the complete schizophrenic, use the I Ching for absolutely everything, really what else could go wrong?, it can only really make their life better or bring them to more realisation of their fear. For the partially schizophrenic, you are to follow the I Ching with important life decisions, and for the 'normal', to use the I Ching as mere fun and not with anything serious because other wise you will be come partially or even completely schizophrenic in believing that reality is going to hit you all at once.

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