Friday, October 19, 2012

Cult TV Characteristics similar to Tin Tin

I cannot help but think of Tin Tin when cult TV is spoken of. Many shows, movies or series that are deemed Cult TV have a following both during and after screening, whether it be on the internet, with interventions, magazines and even in comic books the fans still live on and reminisce in their passion of the shows content and series of events. Tin Tin quickly became a cult TV genre, even though it is not said as one, it had a huge following of readers for the comic books and the television series, yet different age groups. It had the appreciation from young viewers who aspired to be the young boy (Tin Tin) going on adventures and catching the 'bad guys', but as we know it also had and still has the interest from adults of all ages still fixated on it when an old comic or book is derived from the attic. For years to come, people will most probably still be collecting the 'collectables', it is a classic just like Star Wars is and arguably the same type of following as those Star Wars fans.
Into the nitty gritty stuff though- having the main character as a hero or the character that the audience aspire to be, whether it be Tin Tin as a young boy interweaving all the antics and trouble he gets himself into but still seems to get out of every time is aspiring to some, people can aspire for one day be able to go on these adventures with 'snowy' by your side all over the world, getting away from the people out to get you and always 'winning'. Even though, Tin Tin can seem childish at times, the hidden adult humour is always refreshing, and still the 'old world' of cartoon adventure is aspiring and interesting to delve back into, it is still entertaining for most. Or in reference to Buffy, the fantasy world of vampires and looking like the 'girl next door' who transforms into this ultimate fighter that attracts an intrigued viewing. The familiar aspects and characteristics of aspiring to be the 'hero' and the one who 'saves the day' or other people's lives is something that people in the real world can relate to, the time they watch these movies or series they can go into their fantasy worlds, they can watch it would be like and they can fixate on something that they regularly think about would be so exciting and a fun day job, as Buffy and Tin Tin seem to have.


  1. I see what you're saying when you compare the followings of cult tv to star wars or tintin, but neither starwars nor tintin is cult TV.

    I don't necessarily think that having a character the audience aspires to be is what defines cult TV either, just how to write a good story.

    What are the characteristics that Hill listed for cult TV?

    1. Good points Che, it is interesting to make the distinction between something which has cult followings versus something which is actually cult tv.

  2. Yea after I wrote this,I realised it was completely off the topic and I just went on a tangent when a thought came into my mind. Sorry, Ill reassess.

    1. That's all good :D It's good when I actually find a question to ask haha, because part of the assessment is discussion

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I now realise what I was thinking, I was thinking of the following of cult tv, sometimes I dont explain properly - downfall of mine. But how in the fantasy genre, there is the fantasy of being in another world or being someone else and in their life situations that I thought could be a reason for a following (cult following).With how buffy is cult tv with such a huge following so is Star Wars, yea I know its a completely different genre in terms of its script but what it has turned into is a cult following, things like the event Armageddon happen with a reflection of Star Wars themes in it. In this way I just thought that Tin Tin has obtained such a huge following, a group of people that will most probably never part with their liking towards the comics and movies. I didnt really go off Hills work in the end. I shouldnt have put the question there.

  5. I would say "Star Trek" has a more "cult" following than Star Wars does. Yes, there are legions of hardcore Star Wars fans out there (like me) but Star Wars reached a point of popularity that it became a part of mainstream American popular culture right now. Star Trek never reached that level of popularity which is why I feel it has a more cult-like following.

    Che was right about Tin Tin. Yes it has many fans, but it is not what I would call having a "cult-like" following.
