Thursday, November 1, 2012

Damian Seeto: Tin Tin And The Mystery Of The Missing Film Script

Tin Tin was out in vacation in New Zealand meeting up with his favorite director Peter Jackson. Since Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg both made a movie based upon Tin Tin last year, Peter Jackson wanted to talk to the budding reporter himself about the direction for the sequel.

Before Tin Tin and Peter Jackson could both discuss details on the upcoming second film, a phone call interrupted their meeting. It was pretty urgent as Peter Jackson had no hesitation in answering it. Tin Tin decided to play with Snowy outside in Peter Jackson’s “Shire-like” garden to pass the time until the phone call had ended. 30 long minutes went by and Peter Jackson was finally off the phone.

“Who called you and why was it so urgent?” Tin Tin questioned.

“It was Christopher Nolan and he’s not very happy”, Peter Jackson uttered.

“What’s the matter? Is he in danger?  asked Tin Tin.

“Well not quite in danger. He’s really angry that someone managed to break into his house and steal a top secret movie script he’s been working on”, Peter Jackson answered.

“What’s this got to do with you Mr. Jackson? Why didn’t Nolan call the proper authorities and let them deal with the stolen script?” Tin Tin said.

“Nolan didn’t want to alert the authorities as he was scared the media would get a hold of the story and turn the whole thing into a whole frenzy. He asked me if I knew someone that could help and I think you’re perfect for this type of job Tin Tin”, said Peter Jackson.

“Me? Are you sure I’m the right guy for this job”, Tin Tin said.

“Trust me, you are. I booked you a flight to Hollywood already. If anyone can solve this case, it is you Mr Tin Tin, said Peter Jackson.

Tin Tin left the humble abodes of New Zealand and went off to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Tin Tin had no clue where to start looking and decided to meet with Christopher Nolan himself. If anyone knew who might be responsible, why not ask the victim himself?

Nolan’s office was huge and was decorated with many of his past accolades. Sadly, no animals were allowed in the area and Snowy had to wait outside. Christopher Nolan entered the room with no emotion on his face.

“So you’re the guy Peter Jackson recommended to find my missing script? You look a little young for a job like this”, Christopher Nolan said sternly.

“Trust me, I doubted my ability too, although I’ve solved many cases before and have travelled all around the world”, Tin Tin defended himself.

Before Tin Tin could thank Nolan, Snowy was barking loudly outside. It’s the same type of bark he uses whenever he suspects trouble is brewing.

“Uhh…Mr Nolan I believe we might be in danger right now. Snowy is no ordinary dog and that bark was certainly not a cheerful one”, Tin Tin said.

Tin Tin thought quickly and locked Nolan into a nearby cupboard. Tin Tin then tried to disguise himself as the veteran director. He may look young, but it was nighttime and the intruder hopefully wouldn’t notice the difference. Tin Tin stepped outside to investigate and his keen ears heard that someone was definitely following him.

“Snowy!” Tin Tin cried.

Snowy immediately knew what was going on and bit the intruder’s butt. This allowed Tin Tin to tackle him into the ground. Tin Tin removed his hood and was shocked to find out it was none other than Taylor Kitsch - the main star of John Carter and Battleship.

“Are you here to eliminate Nolan to hide any leads to the people responsible for stealing his script?” Tin Tin questioned to Taylor Kitsch.

“Do you have any idea how hard it’s been for me this year? John Carter and Battleship were anticipated to be two of the biggest box office hits. Yet, audiences snubbed them in favour to watch other films. Now Hollywood casting directors aren’t offering me any more movie roles. I had to steal the Nolan’s script so I can have a chance to make the big time again”, Taylor Kitsch confessed.

Before Tin Tin could retort, Christopher Nolan came out of the closet (literally) to witness who the intruder was. Christopher Nolan knew seemed to know exactly what was going on.

“Let me guess, you stole this film script in hopes of securing a part in my upcoming Justice League movie. I know you aren’t working alone. Some Hollywood director promised you a part in it if he managed to get the script as well. I suppose this director sent you here to kill me am I right? guessed Christopher Nolan.  

“Yes, you’re right”, cowered Taylor Kitsch.

Tin Tin was baffled by Nolan’s knowledge. Now it was time to reveal who the director was that orchestrated the plan to steal the script all along…
“So who is the director that wanted you to steal the script?” Tin Tin and Christopher Nolan shouted in unison.

“I…it was P….”, Taylor Kitsch uttered before a bullet went through his chest instantly killing him.

Snowy gave chase to the shadowy perpetrator but it was too late. A car was already waiting for him and it
sped off into the darkness before both Tin Tin and Nolan could see it.

“Damn, Taylor Kitsch was our only lead and now he is dead. Whoever this person is still has my script!” Nolan snarled.

“Well we have one clue right? If Taylor Kitsch was telling the truth, we will just have to interrogate every person starting with a “P” in Hollywood”, suggested Tin Tin.

Nolan applauded Tin Tin’s determination. Nolan suggested it was best he stayed home for his own safety. He told Tin Tin to attend a pre-Academy Awards party that was happening tomorrow. Maybe Tin Tin could catch this person there…

Meanwhile back in New Zealand, Peter Jackson is reading over a new film script he just obtained. How he got it didn’t matter. As long as he backs lots of money from it, he doesn’t care. As long as Tin Tin trusts him and is on a wild goose chase over in Hollywood, Peter Jackson can relax that nobody can pinpoint that it was he that stole Nolan’s script all along!

Ends in a cliffhanger...

1 comment:

  1. Your story made me laugh a lot haha. "Christopher Nolan came out of the closet (literally)."

    ALTHOUGH I was really sad that Taylor Kitsch died haha, because I LOVED John Carter (shame on anyone that didn't see it) and Battleship was pretty awesome too.

    But yes, good job :) You have lots of archetypes and acts and things in there.
